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Five Quick Beauty Fixes Using a Cotton Swab


Hi guys, being a girl on the go (all most all the time), I hate how messy makeup can get time and again! To resolve such issues I have come up with a video tutorial that will help you fix your beauty issues super quickly. 

So your same ol' cotton bud, or swab can be used to fix your eyeliner, the nail paint, concealer application, night cream and as a perfume wand! Some of these fixes may be a part of your beauty regime but some may just be an add on (specifically the magic wand trick). Watch full video below- 

And as usual, I would love to know which trick was your favorite? In case you have used the cotton swab in any other way, do share it with me by dropping a comment below. 

Have a question? Tweet it to me on @guiltybytes or follow me on Instagram for all real time updates.

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  1. Oh how handy! I always use them to fix my eyeliner when I make it a bit too thick.

  2. amazing fixes that too with a cotton bud. i could have never thot of it. great post!

  3. who could have thot all this could be done with one cotton swab. amazing ideas

  4. hahah and i thot cotton sawb was only for cleaning wax... silly me!!! its my beauty weapon now! thanx to u!
