Jennifer Winget is all set to make her comeback with the show 'Beyhadh' where she plays a negative role. The gorgeous actress separated from Karan Singh Grover in November 2014 says her past made her strong. In a recent interview she spoke about her past in length. She said,"Well, my past has helped me grow as a person. I am glad that whatever happened with me has made me who I am today. It has given me the strength I needed and I will always be grateful to every person who has come into my life or has walked away. Because this is what life is all about. It is all about experiences and how you learn from those experiences."
When she was asked about if she like to be friends with Karan she said,"Why not? We have shared so much. For me everyone has good and bad qualities. I feel you must not always look at the bad qualities but also focus on the good ones, because we all have flaws."
She still has faith in love and marriage. She said,"Marriage is a beautiful institution as long as two people understand each other well and are willing to live their life together till they die. Marriage is amazing and I wish every person on this planet to have a blissful marriage. I have not closed my door on love. It is a beautiful feeling."
Jennifer Winget is all set to make her comeback with the show 'Beyhadh' where she plays a negative role. The gorgeous actress s...
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