Okay, I am not judging you today but I want you to know that unwanted attachments aren't good for you in the long run! It's like Salman Khan telling you that you need to eat a bottle of revital daily to be as majboot (strong) as him. Here are 5 attachments every man must get rid of before he turns, well, err, let's just say as he grows old!
1. Dad's Money
I know you were just born with the silver-spoon and well there is nothing wrong with that. But you need to stop telling your subconscious mind that it's okay if you don't do much because daddy will come to your rescue. Don't mix up blessing and bragging especially in front of your woman. Go out on your own after-all we don't like snap-backs and tattoos but a good job and suits!
2. Ex Girlfriends
Oh, well dear we know how strong an individual you are! You are cosmopolitan, 21st century man and it's okay for you to move on and be friends with your EX. Well it's fine but you have got to stop talking about her, her life and that her favorite flavor at Nandos was not peri peri chicken but extra hot peri peri. Let bygones be bygones. Period.
3. Bad TV Habits with Your Girl
I know you worship football but just because the game is not on doesn't mean that you will bore your better half with 'How To Make Bugatti' series on Television. No way we want you to watch saas bahu shows with us, but maybe you can join us for a good laugh with The Modern Family or Two and A Half Men series.
4. Cigarette Buds
You don't like smoking cigarettes, it's your bachelor friends who do, whichever way it is my dear boy, just learn to empty the ashtray and clean the cigarette clutter. We don't like cigarette buds on your sofas, on your washbasin, the kitchen sink, and well, err, the loo.
5. Leaving the Toilet Seat Up
Well I guess you get the point!
6. Being Politically and socially clueless
We love talking to a man who is well informed, and now that we are all so informed about our country and politics you better don't tell us that Mahatama Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi are related!
7. Videogames
No we don't have a problem with it. We just don't like the idea of spending a weekend together, playing games. You can buy or play or do anything but you can't keep on discussing your score during the lunch or constantly think about how to get the cheat code for your godforsaken infinite lives on a coffee date!
Hope you guys enjoyed the post! Do let me know what other habits you want your man to break free :)
Disclaimer: .gif files used are from Giphy.com. Top most image source: surebud.net

Hahaha superb post.. great work! Men get up and pay attention!!!