Hey everyone, I am still not done doing #hairtalk on my YouTube channel yet. Today I present to you second edition of #hairtalk series where I am sharing some (long) hair secrets. If you want to grow long hair and have beautiful summer tresses, then you need to STOP making these hair related mistakes right now!
1. Make sure to wash your hair brush regularly. Just like the makeup brushes the hair brush tends to absorb dirt on its follicles making the hair vulnerable.
2. Avoid hot showers for your scalp! It dries your hair and the protective hair oils thus damaging it in the long run.
3. Avoid wearing cap/hat for long hours as it can wick away the moisture from your scalp. It also causes friction that lead to breakage
4. Lastly, avoid excessive brushing! It can weaken hair cuticles that will lead to hair fall.
Watch full video below and yes don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.
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