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5 Super Awesome Ways To Drink More Water Everyday!


Water is the most essential component of a healthy, glowing skin! One can invest in high end skincare products but if you are not watering your body right, your skin will deeply suffer. When you are hydrated well, you skin glows, becomes more plump and clear. To help you keep hydrated for long, we have listed 5 water drinking hacks for you-

1. Flavor your water 

Let's face it, water tastes boring! But guess what you can make it interesting by adding some fruits as garnish. Add blueberries, strawberries, pineapple, citrus fruits for a great taste. You can also have mojito water by simply adding crushed mint and lemon cubes to cold water. This is also a great way to detox your body. Play with different ingredients and ditch those diet cokes and coffees for good.

2. Use a fancy water bottle

Store water in a good looking container that you would like to sip again and again. You can use mason jars or simply get creative by using wine bottles for water storage. You container should make you happy and excited and thus inspiring you to sip over and over again. 

3. Make it accessible

Place your water bottle/container in a place that you access the most through the day. Put your bottle in-front of you on a workstation, study desk, beside your bed to increase your reach. This is recommended since a lot of times we simply get lazy to get up and drink water and instead opt for something more unhealthy that is placed around us.

4. Get digital, opt for a an app

In an era of mobile marketing and digitization, it's time to download an app that reminds you to drink water through the day. Water my body app on play store is what I use to remind myself to drink water timely. This really helps as the app shoots up an alarm (reminder) for you to drink more water and it also keep as track of how much water consumption has happened for you. Now isn't that cool? 

5. Write It Down

Write down your water intake on a  diary or on notepad in your mobile phone to motivate yourself to drink more and more water. Compare your consumption and take pictures of you to do a before and after for a feel good factor!

How much water do you drink in a day? I consume about 4-5 liters of water and i guess its time to up the beauty game ;)

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  1. Nice tips....for me as i am too bad in my water consumption.
