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Winter essentials to beat Dry Skin In This Festive Season!


From savouring roasted peanuts with a hot cup of tea to warming hands sitting beside a bonfire, Delhi is an absolute delight in winter season as an air of euphoria floats about in the air! As much as we Dilliwala's love Dilli ki Sardi, but as the weather gets nippy there is one thing that most of us start dreading about, which is DRY Skin! Chapped lips and dry, flaky skin are a few things most of us hate about winters. Our skin is stripped off moisture and requires additional care. This would not only including treating your skin right during winters but right from the pre ­winter season.

Here are a few ways through which you can keep the dry skin at bay this winter ;

1. Hydrate youself :
First and foremost, drink ample amount of water. Because of the chilly weather we dont feel thirsty and dehydration causes our skin to grow pale. So for healthy glowing skin, drink enough water and keep yourself hydrated.

2. Close em pores :
A very important step that needs to be carried out daily before stepping out of the house is closing the skin pores to prevent dirt accumulating on skin. Cold water is said to be a natural pore shutter, so after the hot shower, quickly pour some cold water over yourself to avoid dryness.
Also, fir your face, you can use astringent to make sure your skin is safe from all the dirt and pollution during the day.

3. Use sunscreen:
Most of us think that sunscreens are only for summers, to protect the skin from tanning and stop using it as soon as the autumn arrives. But the pre­winter sun too can be harmful for the skin. Sunscreen are supposed to be apllied even on a cloudy day. For better protection, make sure you apply the sun protection cream 30 minutes before stepping out of the house.

4. Oil to the rescue :
A 10 ­minute oiling session before your bath would suffice for the nourishment needs of the skin,be it baby oil or olive.

5. Cream based products :
Try and avoid gel based products in winters for it'll not work on the working on the dryness problem. Cream­ based products are generally oil­ based and hence form a protective layer on the skin that retains more moisture during chilly days.

Hope all this helps you. Happy Winters!! :)

Photo Source Pinterest. Jesmehr for @TeamGuiltyBytes

Disclaimer: All images are not original work of

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