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#Beauty101: Easiest Way To Pedicure your Feet At Home This Festive Season


Festive season pampering is a must. Among the hustle and bustle of festivities, you may not find adequate time to head to the salon but this DIY pedicure can be done with ease. It's quick, its effective and the best part, its pretty inexpensive. 

Take about half bucket of lukewarm water and add the juice of one lemon to it. Add a mild shampoo and a few drops of any oil of your choice.

Remove any nail-colour from your nails before-hand. Dip your feet for about 15-20 mins in the water containing the juice, oil and shampoo. Once the water turns cold, pat dry your feet with towel. With a pumic stone, rub the heels and toes to get rid of the dead skin. Using a cuticle pusher, gently push your cuticles. Cut your nails carefully in the desired length and shape and file for completion of the pedicure.  

This DIY pedicure will leave your feet looking groomed and happy and your nails shiny and healthy. 

You can also try our DIY Foot wraps at home for simple foot therapy.  

- Image Source Pinterest. Shreiya for @TeamGuiltyBytes.

Disclaimer: Images are not original work of Guiltybytes.com 

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