I have been someone who never settles for anything mediocre when it comes to skincare in spite of the diverse roles I play in my life. With a super hectic but exciting lifestyle, I occasionally get time to evaluate my skin and hold up with its changing demands. Whether you call it a blessing in disguise or sheer luck, I couldn’t have been more regular about my skin care had it not been for Boroplus healthy skin survey!
Getting perfect skin doesn’t have to be hard. Follow this quiz here that will help your skin return to its healthy state in no time. These set of questions have helped me categorize my skin into the not-so-smooth category and also take a deeper look at it.
The city score feature essentially tells you that the state of our skin has a lot to do with the environment around. You will be surprised to determine what your city score looks like!
My skin score has made me comprehend that there is no need to spend a fortune trying to get healthy skin, it’s just a matter of getting back to simpler times and going more natural.
Don't have time for intensive skin care? Pamper yourself with the basics, but before that find your skin score.
Try this skin-o-meter here and share your score with me in the comment box below.
*Guiltybytes X Boroplus