According to, FREEZING your pair of tights will change your whole damn life! Winters have finally arrived and it's time for all desi girls to pull out their pair of favourite sheer tights from their wardrobes and wear them with dresses and boots. But how many times have you experienced your tights ripping off? I face it every winter and to hide the embarrassment I layer it up with another pair of tights. But girls, we finally have a hack that will keep your tights in place ad increase their durability.
Freeezing tights may sound crazy, but all you have to do is run it under water until they are damp and then place it in a plastic bag so that you can freeze it overnight in your fridge. Once frozen, give it a day to defrost. Te trick requires to be done only once and that's it!
So How Does Freezing Tights Help?
The chilly temperature of the fridge firms and strengthens the individual fibers of your tights, making them less susceptible to wearing off easily.
And we thought freezer was used only for the left over butter chicken, isn't it?
Cover image via Shutterstock
Cover image via Shutterstock