I confess, I am a total sucker for romance and love! So, when I stumbled upon @HowHeAsked, an Instagram account and a website that features some seriously heart-warming proposal stories from newly engaged couples across the globe, I was hooked. Here's why you should totally checkout this account and follow it. Also, keep some tissues handy while you go through some of the proposals of this account ;)
Story #1
"We started to walk down the beautifully lit path and, of course, I was already crying. When we got to the end, we were under the arbor with lights strung all around us. Kurt asked me if I wanted to dance and I held him wondering when, in between the smiles and the tears, he was going to get down on one knee and make me the happiest I'd ever been...."
Story #2
"When she turned around and saw me on one knee, I had never seen her so happy in my life. She walked towards me, I lifted her up, and she cried into my shoulders for a couple minutes. After that, I looked into her eyes and slid the ring on her finger..." And that totally made us cry too.
Story #3
"On our first date, I told Adam that I had been a Division I softball player and Adam was ecstatic to have found a girl as into sports (and maybe even better at sports? 😉) as he was. As our relationship progressed, playing or watching sports became a huge part of our days together, so when he made plans for us to be a part of his company softball game, I didn't think twice. We got to the field and no one else was there yet, so Adam suggested we have a catch together to warm up. I had an old ball in my glove and shortly into our catch, Adam mentioned he brought a few of the new ones we had recently purchased. He went into his backpack, switched the ball and tossed me a brand new yellow hard ball – like the ones I played with in college. After four throws (exactly four as Adam was nervously counting), I looked down at the ball and thought it looked different than usual... Next thing I know, I'm reading the words "Jessy, Will You Marry Me" and Adam is walking towards me...."
Story #4
"One of my closet friends is engaged and is getting married early next year. She scheduled her engagement photos and asked if I would come along in case she needed anything (aka to tell her if any crazy hair was sticking out or if her smile was weird). I was excited to be there and had a great time during the whole session with them. At the end, the photographer asked to get a shot of me and the bride together with a cute sign she made for the engagement pictures that said "she said yes". As we started to pose, I heard the barn door behind me swing open. I refused to look away from the camera as I was holding the sign and striking my poses, but then I heard an "ahem" behind me. As I turned around, I saw Edwin standing in the door way and in that same second, I realized the sign I was holding was for me..."
Story #5
"For the next three months I told everyone including our friends and family that we were going to London. I even printed out fake airline tickets. But when we arrived at the Boston airport and approached the gate for London, I looked at Janelle and said, “Babe, we’re not going to London”. She turned around with complete confusion and said what are you talking about? I told her I had planned a surprise trip for us and that we were actually going to Santorini. She hugged me tightly, and started to cry. She couldn’t believe it. At that point, she had no idea what else I'd been planning for her too...."
Story #6
"We were in Tahoe and one evening around sunset, Roman told me that he wanted to find an overlook with a even better view than where we were staying. This was nothing out of the ordinary because it was something that we really both enjoyed doing - just sitting somewhere beautiful and enjoying the company of one another. We hiked around and once we found a place with the view that we were looking for, Roman took me by the hand. I noticed we were walking towards a beautiful cabin, and when we walked around the corner, I saw a gorgeous set up with a "MARRY ME?" sign. I couldn't believe me eyes. I couldn't believe that the love of my life had done this all for me. He knelt down on one knee and asked me if I would marry him, and at that moment I was speechless. I overflowed with so much happiness and joy that the only thing that I could do was nod. About a minute later is when I whispered in his ear. I told him that I would marry him and that I couldn't wait to be his wife. That was the first time that Roman saw me cry. I was always a person that never let my emotions show but, at that moment, I couldn't hold it in. Everything that I have ever wanted was right in front of me. I was the luckiest girl in the world..."
Story #10
Story #1
"We started to walk down the beautifully lit path and, of course, I was already crying. When we got to the end, we were under the arbor with lights strung all around us. Kurt asked me if I wanted to dance and I held him wondering when, in between the smiles and the tears, he was going to get down on one knee and make me the happiest I'd ever been...."
Story #2
"When she turned around and saw me on one knee, I had never seen her so happy in my life. She walked towards me, I lifted her up, and she cried into my shoulders for a couple minutes. After that, I looked into her eyes and slid the ring on her finger..." And that totally made us cry too.
Story #3
"On our first date, I told Adam that I had been a Division I softball player and Adam was ecstatic to have found a girl as into sports (and maybe even better at sports? 😉) as he was. As our relationship progressed, playing or watching sports became a huge part of our days together, so when he made plans for us to be a part of his company softball game, I didn't think twice. We got to the field and no one else was there yet, so Adam suggested we have a catch together to warm up. I had an old ball in my glove and shortly into our catch, Adam mentioned he brought a few of the new ones we had recently purchased. He went into his backpack, switched the ball and tossed me a brand new yellow hard ball – like the ones I played with in college. After four throws (exactly four as Adam was nervously counting), I looked down at the ball and thought it looked different than usual... Next thing I know, I'm reading the words "Jessy, Will You Marry Me" and Adam is walking towards me...."
Story #4
"One of my closet friends is engaged and is getting married early next year. She scheduled her engagement photos and asked if I would come along in case she needed anything (aka to tell her if any crazy hair was sticking out or if her smile was weird). I was excited to be there and had a great time during the whole session with them. At the end, the photographer asked to get a shot of me and the bride together with a cute sign she made for the engagement pictures that said "she said yes". As we started to pose, I heard the barn door behind me swing open. I refused to look away from the camera as I was holding the sign and striking my poses, but then I heard an "ahem" behind me. As I turned around, I saw Edwin standing in the door way and in that same second, I realized the sign I was holding was for me..."
Story #5
"For the next three months I told everyone including our friends and family that we were going to London. I even printed out fake airline tickets. But when we arrived at the Boston airport and approached the gate for London, I looked at Janelle and said, “Babe, we’re not going to London”. She turned around with complete confusion and said what are you talking about? I told her I had planned a surprise trip for us and that we were actually going to Santorini. She hugged me tightly, and started to cry. She couldn’t believe it. At that point, she had no idea what else I'd been planning for her too...."
Story #6
"We were in Tahoe and one evening around sunset, Roman told me that he wanted to find an overlook with a even better view than where we were staying. This was nothing out of the ordinary because it was something that we really both enjoyed doing - just sitting somewhere beautiful and enjoying the company of one another. We hiked around and once we found a place with the view that we were looking for, Roman took me by the hand. I noticed we were walking towards a beautiful cabin, and when we walked around the corner, I saw a gorgeous set up with a "MARRY ME?" sign. I couldn't believe me eyes. I couldn't believe that the love of my life had done this all for me. He knelt down on one knee and asked me if I would marry him, and at that moment I was speechless. I overflowed with so much happiness and joy that the only thing that I could do was nod. About a minute later is when I whispered in his ear. I told him that I would marry him and that I couldn't wait to be his wife. That was the first time that Roman saw me cry. I was always a person that never let my emotions show but, at that moment, I couldn't hold it in. Everything that I have ever wanted was right in front of me. I was the luckiest girl in the world..."
Story #7
Apparently Jason saw me on #SNAPCHAT. I had sent my friend Ricky a photo and Jason was looking over Ricky's shoulder when he opened it. Jason pointed to me and said "Wait, who is that? Hook me up!" So of course Ricky ended up telling me about this friend of his, but at that time, I just I wasn't ready to start dating again. Ricky continued to bring Jason up every time I saw him, but I kept telling him I would let him know when I felt ready. Then one day, a light switched and I said to myself, life is short, meet the boy. Next thing I know, Ricky had made plans for us to go to a football game all together. When Ricky pointed out Jason walking towards us, my heart started going a mile a minute when I saw his baby blues for the first time..." 📷
Story #8
"Over the past 5 years Jake and I have gone through our ups and downs like most couples, and spent time apart too. I moved to Australia and for a period of time I wasn't sure if we'd ever be together again, but there was always something pulling me back to him. In the start of 2014 I was diagnosed with MS, Multiple Sclerosis, which led me to move back home to California. The only person I could think about and wanted to be with during this time was Jake. This began a new chapter for us in our love story. Jake was not scared off by my diagnosis but instead told me he knew he had to be with me because he wanted to be the one to take care of me and knew he was the only one who could do that. For the past two years he has been my rock through all the ups and downs with my health. He has been my consistent source of love, strength, and encouragement. Falling back in love with him has been the most fulfilling and rewarding decision I've ever made." You have to read and watch the proposal too, it's heartwarming and adorable and there may or may not be a puppy involved too..
Story #9
"After the game, her coach agreed to circle all the girls up. They did their normal chant and I started the longest walk of my life towards them. It was only about 25 yards, but it felt like a couple miles. I finally got up to the group. They opened the circle to let me in and there she was, soaked in sweat from her soccer game, but looking more beautiful than I’d ever seen her in all my life!"
Story #10
"David told me he wanted to take me out for Valentine’s Day a few days early since I was going to be away on the actual day. I obviously thought nothing of it. Before the reservation, he suggested we take a walk through Golden Gate Park and with it being amazing weather, I couldn't have agreed more. We walked towards the park's music stage and when we got there, David suggested we hop up on it and take a photo. I thought nothing of that either. But as soon as we got up there, one of our favorite songs started playing and seconds after that, both our families and all our friends started coming out from behind the stage. I was absolutely shocked and could not believe my eyes as eventually over 100 people we loved were there to share in our moment. My heart could’ve burst from all their faces smiling back at me. Then, the music started to fade out, and David got down on knee..." Sometimes it's fun to watch other people cry of happiness.
Love it all then make sure you follow the b'ful @HowHeAsked account on Insta right now!