Tangled hair can be a problem anywhere whether its a windy day, or too much hairspray, or restless sleep, hair tangles happen all the time. Hair tangles are basically unwanted hair knots, loops, and frizz that occur in hair for anyone with any length of Hair. But sometimes battling tangles can cause serious damage to hair, it can either create more tangles; brush them out while wet and possibly cause breakage.
Tangles, in general, occur when hair is lacking hydration. Those who are prone to hair tangle must keep their hair hydrated by using hair masks and moisturizers.
One must Choose a shampoo and conditioner that works best on your hair type, but never skip on conditioning ends!Also always get ends trimmed timely as the major cause of tangle can be Dry ends that haven’t been trimmed in a while.
Tackling Wet Tangles after Hair wash
The wet tangled hair can be a serious problem as over or heavy combing can lead to hair breakage and hair loss. One must apply conditioner to tangled areas while hair is still damp and using a wide toothed comb to work through knotted wet hair. Never rub hair to dry as it can create tangles. But if you are really that prone to tangle or knots then use your fingers to pull apart as much of the knots as possible to avoid damage.
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