To look good and attractive each one wants a fresh and clear skin with no pimples and mark on the face. But, because of pollution and dust it is not possible to have clear skin. Pimples are the most irritating and stressful thing to spot on the face. Now, not to worry because we bring to you 5 food that will keep your skin pimple free.
1. Olive Oil: It absorbs into skin without clogging pores, it will allow skin to breathe which will help to prevent acne.
2. Watermelon: It is very useful for removing blemishes on the skin. It keeps your skin fresh because it contains Vitamins A, B and C. It will hep to remove acne, pimples and marks of acne.
3. Walnut: It improves the smoothness f the skin. It will keep your skin hydrated and maintain your skin's structure.
4. Yogurt: It is very useful for cleansing the skin and unblocking clogged pores.
5. Lemon Juice: It will help to eliminate to eliminate acid waste. It removes your pores and keeps the skin fresh and bright.
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Cover image via Shutterstock