In today's world facial is very important to understand how your skin works and how it reacts to stress hormones, and the elements. It can easily cleanse your skin in a way that you simply can't at home. Our skin also changes according to time, age and weather. So facial help reinstate the glow and help the skin look healthier. But one must know sometimes facial can also harm your skin if you indulge in certain skincare related activities before it. We bring to you 5 tips that will help you to prevent your facial from ending badly.
1. Avoid Waxing: You should avoid face waxing before a facial because it can aggressively exfoliate the surrounding skin, leaving it more sensitive and prone to a rash. It can also cause damage to the skin or cause irritation.
2. Scrubbing : Before facial avoid using a face sponge or a scrubber, it can also inflame the skin , and facial will only make it worse.
3. Don't Pinch Or Scratch Pimples: Don't pinch or scratch pimples or any other mark on the face. It can cause infection after a facial.
4. Don't Exfoliate: Avoid exfoliation before facial as it contains retinol and glycolic acid . It can sensitize the skin.
4. Don't Exfoliate: Avoid exfoliation before facial as it contains retinol and glycolic acid . It can sensitize the skin.
5. Avoid The Sun: Facials can easily fix the pigmentation caused by sunlight but the skin needs a break to settle after sun exposure. Skin damaged by sunlight can react with creams or ingredients used in facials.
Follow these tips to save your skin from damage. You can thank us later!
Cover image via Shutterstock
Cover image via Shutterstock