Exfoliation is a very essential step in any skin care routine. But many market bought scrub-based products can be quite harsh on sensitive skin and can leave it feeling red and dry. Fret not! This Yogurt (Dahi) based mask is especially for people with super sensitive skin who are too scared to expose their skin to products than can harm and damage their skin. This mask contains Yogurt that doubles as a hydrator and natural exfoliator for the dead skin cells, Lemon juice which has Vitamin C that contains powerful antioxidants, Honey that has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory actions and Coconut oil which is high vitamin E that helps soothe skin and moisturize.
1 tbsp Yogurt (Dahi)
1/4 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp honey
1 tsp Coconut oil
Whisk the ingredients properly in a bowl. Cleanse your face before applying the mask. Avoid the eye area as the lemon juice can sting the eyes. Let the mask sit for five to ten minutes and wash off with luke warm water. After rinsing, apply a normal moisturizer to lock hydration in! This mask can only be applied at night as lemons can cause skin to be more sensitive to sunlight.