Glycerin has the alone is the cure to all your skin
problems. Who knew that Glycerin has other amazing uses rather than just making
actors in soap Opera cry. But today we break down the endless skin benefits of glycerin
which will soon become an essential part of your skin routine.
Glycerin works well as the complete skin care. Not
only, is it a great moisturizer but works both as a toner and cleanser too.
Regular Use also will help you get rid of acne and blackheads. Not only does it
make the skin quality better but also one must remember that it is a non-toxic
and is comparatively safer to be used that other skin products.
Got cracked and dry feet?
Not an issue just apply glycerin to your feet and pull
on your socks and keep them overnight. In the morning wake up with super soft
Unlike all the other soaps present in the market,
Glycerin soaps are not only natural and organic but also prevents skin from
drying up and doesn’t de-hydrate the skin.
Infact DIY Glycerin Hair masks are extremely popular
and are known to be the quickest remedy for dry lifeless hair. Giving them an
instant gloss and shine.
All images via Pinterest