Come summers and there is abundance of juicy sweet Watermelons in the market. We explained in our earlier post the Skin benefits of Eating Watermelon. Now we share with you super easy DIY watermelon masks that can cure so many skin ailments like Acne , Dryness, Blisters , Wrinkles and Sunburn.
#1 Acne Mask
1/2 cup Water melon Juice
Pulp of 1 Banana
Mix the the two things together to form a paste. Apply it on the acne ridden area . Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off. Repeat his procedure once a day fr a week. This helps to reduce skin inflammation, and keeps the skin firm and healthy.
#2 Dryness Mask
1/2 cup watermelon juice
2 tsp Honey or Yogurt
Watermelon juice is excellent for hydrating the skin. To make a face cream using watermelon juice, just add honey or yogurt to it and apply it on the face and neck. Leave it on for sometime and wash it off.
#3 Blisters/Rashes Mask
Crush the watermelon and apply directly on blisters every night or after spending too much time in the sun. Crushed fresh watermelon is a topical treatment of wounds, cracked lips and skin rashes.
#4 Anti-Aging Mask
1/2 cup Watermelon juice
1 tsp Butter
Apply this mask to prevent signs of sagging skin. The carotene content in watermelon helps to prevent fine lines and wrinkles.
#5 Sunburn Mask
1/2 Cup watermelon Pulp
1/2 Cup Cucumber Pulp
Prepare a face pack by mixing equal proportions of the pulps of both watermelon and cucumber. Apply the pack to your face evenly. Leave it on for 20 minutes. And then rinse your face. This will not only help heal the sunburns but also lighten your complexion.