We ladies workout to stay fit and keep our body in
shape. But be careful that while doing good for your body you don’t end up
harming your skin. After-all, working out is a sweaty process. But fear not here
we have tips for you that will help you take care of
your skin while you get in shape.
All Make-Up
Before you hit the gym make sure your face is sans
all make up. Go naked on your face be clean and fresh as it helps to unclog
your pores and seat mixed with make-up will just lead to acne break outs.
Ditch The Towel!
We all know that feeling after a heavy session when
are all hot and our skin seems like burning we rush for the towel to wipe sweat
off. Substitute that with spraying your face with rose water or you can carry cotton
balls dipped in toner in ziplock pouch. You will instantly feel fresh.
Make sure you give your face a good wash after you
are done to get rid on any extra particles lodged in your skin.
After working out when our metabolism has increased
and oil glands secrete a lot of oil so moisturizing might not be a good idea
wash your face and let it relax. Take your time before you use your cream.
Drinking water helps not only our body but keeping
hydrated helps the skin too and reduces the chances of acne and blackheads.

These tips are so awesome. I will definitely be using them....especially since my skin always breaks out post workout!