Singer Mika Singh seems to have landed himself in trouble by visiting in "The Kapil Sharma Show". Krushna Abhishek is miffed with Mika because he never informed him appearing on Kapil's show. In an interview with DNA Krushna said," Mika is a dear friend of mine and the decision to bring him on Comedy Nights Live was taken by the channel and our team. He was slowly getting into the groove, but I don’t know what happened, he didn’t inform the channel or tell me. I saw it the next day when Kapil put a picture on social media. I asked him ‘aap kaise Chale gaye’ and he said he had gone to promote his music single so it doesn’t matter. I told him it’s a rival show, and he shouldn’t have gone."
He also said that he has no issues with Kapil. “But if I call (Navjot Singh) Sidhu will he come, Mika kaise chala gaya? It’s not as if Mika’s going there will affect our ratings but it’s a rival show and it’s a breach of contract,” said Krushna.