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Oats - The New Beauty Ingredient!


We love to have some oats in our breakfast after all its both healthy and tasty. But guess what oats is not only good for our body but also our hair and skin. Today we break down how you can use the oats as No.1 beauty ingredient.

Oat Face Mask
Oats are the most natural exfoliator they remove dead skin within seconds ,it reduces both acne and blackheads. Just add a little bit of honey with oats and you have your face mask ready.

Oats Reduces Dandruff
Guess what not only Oats exfoliate and cleanse our skin they do the same for scalp. Just make a mask of brown sugar and oats to fight all your dandruff issues.

Oats De-Tan
Our biggest problem of summer’s that is  tanning can be solved by oats as well .A combination of Oats+Limejuice+Milk will make instantly DE-Tan your body saving us trips to parlors.

Soothes Itches/Rashes
Oats have anti-inflammatory properties which work great on all sorts of dry skin. Which is why we strongly recommend an Oats paste to get rid of the summer itch that we all end up getting this season.

All images via Pinterest

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