Minutes before the National Awards Ceremony, Kangana Ranaut opened up on her legal fued with Hrithik Roshan and all the allegations surrounding her including name calling, slut shaming and more. Here are 5 fiery things, the three times National Award winner had to say...
#1 I think we as women have sort of been defending ourselves way too long. These are thousand years old weapons used against us. When they are jealous of a woman’s success the first thing she becomes is a dayan (witch), then she goes on to become a whore, then she becomes a slut and if she’s crazily successful she becomes a psychopath. And if she’s sexually active, she becomes a whore.
#2 It’s not upsetting to me to be called a whore or a bitch but don’t call my period blood gross because there’s nothing gross about it.
#3 There have been moments when I randomly keep breaking down and I really feel cornered and I really feel targeted. But there are cupcakes, you can always fall back on.
#4 As an artist I love witches, I love demons, I love to play characters who are dealing to play some sort of difficult conditions, patients not just mental patients but patients with cancer, things like that. And a whore is again one of the favourite characters.
#5 There are two types of people, a. People pleaser and b. self pleaser, I’m definitely of self pleasers. I care about my own priorities and my own life more than what other’s expectations is.