Everyone woman loves to see her diamond ring sparkle but now many are able to pay equal importance to maintain that bling via regular cleanings. It's sad to see a gorgeous diamond ring lose its luster or get damaged due to improper care. So before you rush into any Pinterest inspired Diamond cleaning at home, here's something that you must know on how to clean your jewelry safely and what to avoid no matter what!
First and foremost is to determine the kind of muck you have on your ring. Basically if you have outdoor impurity, or kitchen related gunk like oil then get your ring cleaned at your jeweler who will do the cleansing process in a more professional manner.
However, if your ring has been dirtied by common factors such as cosmetics, makeup, perfume then follow this safe DIY ring cleaning method.
Make a solution with warm water (almost hot) and liquid soap. You can even add dishwasing soap to the water. Soak your ring for about 20 to 40 minutes and then gently brush the stone with a very soft toothbrush. Take the ring and rinse it with warm running water till it gets cleared off the soapy solution.
Also you must know that your ring needs to stay away from chemicals and household cleaners such as chlorine, bleach and acetone. These chemicals are harsh and can break down base metals in your ring.
Lastly, avoid abrasive products like toothpaste, baking soda and powdered cleaners. These can scratch gold.