Remember how you promised yourself at the beginning
of the year to be a responsible adult and take care of your body by regularly exercising? Well now that its almost mid-year we
all know that some of us couldn’t keep our resolution but hey, that doesn’t mean that we can’t
still achieve our goal. Get ready to get your perfect summer body, with these tips that will make the whole process of working out a lot more easier for you!
Ditch The Conventional
Yes, you want to lose weight and No, going to the gym
is not the only way you can achieve it! Even though works supremely well for some people, machines don’t
help everyone. Try to find some fun in your workout regime. Opt for activities
like dancing, yoga, zumba, swimming, aerobics etc. Find your interest and pursue
A Partner
Make a pact with your best friend or drag your
sister along with you. In fact if needed convince your mom. Having a partner
gets you to have a sense of responsibility and you can motivate each other when
somebody thinks of giving up.
We are always excited to wear what we shop. Once
you get a new pair of track pants and tank tops you would actually want to go
out. Even if it’s to show off, treat this as a motivation which by the way works for all.
One can’t just dive into an extensive workout routine.
its not feasible for both your body and your frame of mind. Slow and steady
wins the race should be your mantra. Start by just weekends then three days a
week. Give yourself timely breaks remember not to overdo it.

Good post, big motivation!