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7 Period Hacks That Are Actually Kickass!


Instagram: @changethecycle

We all get out period and there’s nothing to feel shy about it- it's a super natural process. It's inevitable for us girls to struggle with PMS, period pain and bleeding. But today, we are giving you some easy tips to make your period time more comfortable and easy to handle.

#1 Track Your Period

Your period comes every month and it should not be a surprise. Download an app, there are tons of them out there and they are for free as well. Just mark your period date on the app and then you will get notified in advance. This will help prepare you in advance. 

#2 Be Addicted To Water

Never underestimate the power of water. As your body is loosing fluids anyways water can be substitute thing .The more you drink, the better you will feel. It’s guaranteed.

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#3 Sleeping Helps

Yes, it’s a scientifically proven. Most of the time women tend to get cranky, because lack of sleep.But the more you sleep the pain tends to settle down. If you are facing problems while sleeping then light up Lavender flavor candles as it can help you sleep. 

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#4 Consume Calcium

You can almost vanish all your period problems by consuming 1200mg of calcium daily and it helps you especially when you are on your periods.

#5 Lower Salt Intake

Lower or avoid consuming salt 2-3 days before your period to avoid bloating. 

#8 Gorge on Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is also high in Potassium that allows your muscles to function properly, including your uterine muscles that may cramp up during your period.

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#7 Cranberries, and you'll know why when you read the photo caption.

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