Some of us have had our periods for decades, but are still mystified about what’s going on down there and why. The question that most of us wanted to ask is "Why do I get such intense food cravings during my period? All I want is a bathtub of cheese pizzas!"For some of us, getting our period means food cravings galore. Chips, cookies, chocolates, pizza, cheeseburgers, cakes you name it — our bodies want it, and now.
Some ladies experience no cravings whatsoever, while for others its as a classic sign of PMS and one of the first signs that their period is on the way. The bad news? Indulging in salty or sugary foods can make other symptoms during your period much more unpleasant, because LIFE IS OBNOXIOUS. As per experts “Eating salt during the menstrual period promotes swelling in the hands and feet and sugar increases blood sugar, which promotes mood swings.”
So now the question is what are we supposed to eat before our periods? As per the experts we should have Fruits and vegetables as they are the best things to eat during one’s period, to avoid the side affects related to periods. Cravings are a sign of hormonal imbalance. Eating lots of healthy foods and starchy root vegetables can help period side effects at bay as these foods make your [gastrointestinal] tract happy. If our guts are happy, our brains will be as well.
So although you may *want* a bathtub of cheese pizzas, it’s best to try to opt for something healthier. But if you wanna eat something awesome try dipping fruits in chocolate and said veggies in salad dressing, we personally think that’s a happy medium Or just eat a whole chocolate cake because it’s a FREE COUNTRY!!!