Dry, dull and damaged hair is a common hair woe of every girl, and you can blame your diet, lifestyle, pollution, harsh chemicals in your shampoo and even the hard water. With plenty of reasons to blame for your dry hair, all you can do is hunt for a shampoo that will give you right nutrients and nourish your hair deeply. But even after investing in a luxurious shampoo certain people don't get the effective results. So for all those girls, our hearts are out for you, and we understand the struggle you face, which makes us find out quick and effective home treatments that are the holy grail for your hair. Before we get into the post we would like our readers to know that including certain superfoods like almond, spinach, sunflower seeds and other omega-3 rich foods, you can definitely take your hair care to a new level. And the maximum you avoid styling products and heating tools on your hair, the more your hair will thank you for your care. Read on about the easy home remedies to fight dry and dull hair.
1. Wonders of Yogurt:
Dry hair craves for moisturizer and the best way to moisturise your hair is with yogurt. It is rich in lactic acid and has antifungal properties that will keep dandruff at bay. All you have to do it take 2 tablespoons of yogurt and mask your hair with it for 20 minutes. Rinse your hair with water, followed by shampoo and conditioner. If you want, you can even add lemon juice for extra gloss. Do this every week and change your hair from dry to soft and glossy.
2. Pumpkin magic:
Yes, you read it right, pumpkin on your hair. Sounds absurd, but as pumpkin is loaded with potassium, zinc, vitamins, fatty acids it will moisturise your hair and nourish it deeply. Cut pumpkin into slices and mash it with the help of a blender. Add to it honey for extra smoothness and cover your hair with this mixture for 30 minutes. Wash it with cool water and see your hair moisturised deeply.
3. Outstanding Olive oil:
Olive oil is a powerhouse of Vitamin E, A that will lock the moisture content in your hair, promote hair growth and prevent flaky scalp. It even prevents split ends and protects the keratin content of your hair. Massage your scalp with olive oil and leave it overnight, shampoo the next morning and say goodbye to dull, itchy scalp.
4. Brilliant Banana:
This is another powerful food for your manes. Banana is a good source of potassium and other minerals that will strengthen the hair follicles and its moisturising properties will bring an end to dry and dull hair look. Weekly apply the banana, honey, and aloe vera hair mask and get glossy, strong and bouncy hair.
Tip: if you want, add olive oil for extra glossy hair.
5. Amazing Apple cider vinegar:
This is a magical potion for dry hair and dry skin beauties. It nourishes the scalp to a great extent and acts as anti-residue for your hair. Also, it balances the pH levels of your hair, protects the scalp from dandruff and gives a glossy finish. You can wash your hair with apple cider vinegar or even rub your scalp with olive oil and apple cider vinegar. The effects would be bouncy and shiny hair just like the models in your favorite magazines!
6. Sassy Strawberry:
Raid your fruit basket for a healthy lustrous hair. Strawberries have high levels of Vitamin C and moisturising properties which are another healthy food for your dry hair. You can directly apply mashed strawberries on your hair or mix it with egg whites or mayonnaise, which equally help in nourishing your hair and strengthen hair follicles. Make sure you apply this mask weekly once.
Do you have any more home treatments for dry hair? Share with us in the comments below.