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Do you love eating pomegranate? Now start applying them on your face and say goodbye to aging. When you daily apply this citrus fruit on your face, you will see stunning results on your skin within weeks. We bet you would be loaded with compliments for your glowing and youthful skin. Pomegranate is a rich source of Vitamin C, antioxidants, iron, zinc, potassium that promote good skin texture and protect skin from sun exposure, premature signs of aging. The best thing about this juicy fruit is that it suits every skin type and works effortlessly on the skin problems. Even drinking pomegranate juice daily gives remarkable results on your skin. Let's find out what are the beauty benefits of pomegranate and we hope you use them in your beauty care.
1. Reduces excessive sebum:
This amazing fruit is loaded with Vitamin C, zinc that is perfect for the oily skin ladies. Pomegranates will absorb the excessive sebum and prevent acne, breakouts. It will even rejuvenate your skin and repair the damaged skin. All you need to do is blend pomegranate seeds and apply it on your face for 15 minutes and then rinse with water. Do this daily and you would notice low oil levels, fewer breakouts on your face.
Tip: You can even use pomegranate juice as a toner
2. Anti-aging:
We can't tell you how tremendous pomegranate seeds are, in preventing the signs of aging. Pomegranates have ellagic acid, fibroblasts that reduce the collagen production, prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, regulates the blood supply and keeps your skin supple and youthful. Instead of investing on any anti-aging creams, you can daily apply pomegranate juice with honey on your face and say goodbye to aging.
3. Removes dead skin cells:
Pomegranate is an excellent exfoliator for your face and body. This citrus fruit has high levels of essential fatty acids, antioxidants that boost the keratinocyte cells and keeps your skin rejuvenates. You can make a scrub of pomegranate juice, sugar and almond oil. Rub it generously on your body and face, leave it for 20 minutes and then wash with cool water. This recipe will keep your skin smooth and hydrated always.
Tip: Dry skin beauties can use pomegranate seed oil and nourish their skin deeply.
4. Prevents skin cancer:
If you have a penchant for organic skin care products, then opt for pomegranate seed oil. It does wonders to your skin, this oil can be used as a sunscreen as a pomegranate has ellagic acid that will inhibit the growth of cancer cells and even protects your skin from sun damage. When you use pomegranate oil regularly or even apply the juice on your face daily, you would get a healthy skin worth gushing.
5. Flawless skin:
As pomegranate seeds are a rich source of Vitamin C it can help in giving you a flawless skin. Vitamin C helps in lightening the face spots, hyperpigmentation, acne scars and even give a natural glow. Make a paste of pomegranate juice with honey, lemon juice and apply it on your spots, scars and let it stay for 10 minutes. Do this daily and at the end of the month, you will notice clear, glowing skin.
6. Fights hair loss:
If you hairline is receding then it is time to rub some pomegranate juice on your scalp. The punicic acid, EFA (essential fatty acids) will boost your hair growth and prevent hair fall. You can even go for pomegranate seed oil and massage your scalp weekly for lustrous hair.
Tip: Weekly once opt for hot oil massage which will nourish your hair follicles and increase the hairline.
7. Glossy hair:
When you massage your hair with pomegranate seed oil, it will enhance your hair texture as well as give you a glossy hair worth drooling for. You can even apply pomegranate juice on your hair and let it rest for 15-20 minutes and rinse it with shampoo and conditioner.
Have you used pomegranate seeds in your beauty care? If not, then we would suggest you to start using this juicy fruit and look gorgeous forever.