It seems things are working for Salman and Iulia and we will definately hear the wedding bells in November. Salman always keep Iulia away from the limelight but she always take care of Salman's closes friends. According to the reports of, their source from Tubelight’s team said, “Iulia recently gifted six of Salman bhai’s core team members Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge phones as gifts. The ones who got the phone included his trusted bodyguards and his man Friday. This was just a gesture to show that she cared for them too. Bhai is of course known to take great care of his team.”
Another source of theirs who is close to Arpita added,“The inner circle of bhai has recognised the blooming relationship between the two, has started addressing her as Iulia ‘Bhabhi’ now. And Bhai is pretty okay with that! Bhai’s family is also delighted as Iulia has made it a point to be a part of every big and small occasion in the family.” We can't wait for Bhaijaan's wedding!