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Lesser Known Beauty Uses Of Rose Petals and How To DIY


Rose is the symbol of love and beauty. According to the Greek mythology, Aphrodite the Goddess of Love created rose from her tears and blood of her lover. There are plenty of legendary stories on rose, but what stands true is that rose is an epitome of beauty. For eons rose petals have been a part of beauty care and presently many organic companies diffuse rose petals in their beauty products. However many of us only rely on rosewater, which has numerous uses and benefits, but fresh rose petals have a stunning effect on your skin. Instead of reserving rose petals only in your bath, you can use it in face packs, hand cream, body oil, and in various other beauty regimes. We have listed spectacular beauty recipes of rose petals which you can easily prepare at home and enhance your complexion.

1. Rose petal hand cream:
This is an inexpensive hand cream that is as powerful as the branded products. Rose has high hydrating properties that will smoothen your hand, stimulate blood circulation and prevent hand wrinkles.

How to make the hand cream:
You will need ½ cup glycerin and ⅔ cup of water infused with rose petals. Make a concoction of these ingredients and apply it daily after shower and before going to bed, it will hydrate your hand as well as give a refreshing fragrance worth drooling for.

2. Rose lip scrub:
Don't we all dream of rosy lips sans chapped, dull and dark lips? You can make your own scrub using rose petals. It will exfoliate your lips and make it plump, soft and rosy.

How to make the lip scrub:
Crush fresh rose petals in a blender, add it to the mixture of honey and malai and smear it generously on your lips, let it rest for 10 minutes and then wash it with cool water. Use this lip scrub twice a week for immediate results.

3. Rose lip balm:
After rose lip scrub, you can apply this balm which will tint your lips and give your natural rosy lips. Store this lip balm for longer duration and get darker tinted lips. Roses are a rich source of Vitamin C, proteins that will keep your lips moisturized.

How to make the balm:
You will need 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of olive or almond oil, ½ teaspoon of honey, ¼ teaspoon of vanilla extract, ¼ cup of dried rose petals. Take all the ingredients in a pan and heat it till everything melts down. Let it cool down and swipe it your lips, you will get a hydrating feel and the perfect rose vanilla scent.

4. Rose petal body polish:
No time to hit the salon? Then you can make your own body polish that will give you a healthy skin complexion and flush out the toxins from your skin. Rose petals hydrate the skin, improves blood circulation that will turn your skin supple and soft. It is rich in antioxidants that will make your skin firmer and reduce premature aging.

How to make the body polish:
blend crushed rose petals with Epsom salts, 4 tablespoons oats, ½ cup milk, 2-3 drops of rose essential oil, 1 tablespoon olive oil in the blender and store it in a container. Before you shower scrub this mixture on your body and voila, you would get a healthy skin complexion.

5. Glowing rose petal face mask:

Rose petals nourish the skin, balances face oils, fights acne, remove spots, heals skin irritation and redness, cleanses the skin deeply. With so many benefits, rose petal face mask is a must for brides to be.

How to make face mask:
You will need 1 teaspoon of honey, 8-9 rose petals, 1 tablespoon of gram flour, few drops of rose water. Whip this mixture and smear it on your face and neck, rinse with cool water once it dries and gets a fabulous radiant skin. This face mask will suit every skin type.

6. Rose and olive body oil:
During the winters, enhance your skin texture with this body oil, it will not only hydrate your skin but even remove flakiness, soothe the redness on your skin. If you have sensitive skin, then you must definitely DIY this body oil.

How to make the body oil:
add 1 cup of rose petals to 1 cup of olive oil and crush the rose with a ladle, let the roses soak in the oil and then after few days apply this body oil as a moisturizer. You would be enchanted by the beautiful rose fragrance and the body oil will make your skin supple and soft.

Let us know which of these rose petal DIY have you tried and if you haven't then do try any one of them and glorify your skin.  

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