Don't we all envy the advertisements where the model flaunts her lustrous locks? Hair fall has now become a prevailing and a common issue for every woman, factors such as impure air, chemically treated water, nutrients, vitamins deficiency, hair styling tools, hair coloring and even stress can lead to brittle, dull and damaged hair. Even though there are plenty of hair products in the market that claims in hair strengthening and hair growth there are chemicals that sometimes cause even more hair fall. Thus, it is best to go the natural way and opt for home ingredients that can change your hair texture and prevent hair fall. We share with you a fabulous hair mask that requires only two powerful ingredients that will completely change your hair game and give you the hair of your dreams.
Amla and Yogurt Hair Mask:
Hair masks have a powerful effect on your hair, it penetrates deep into the hair shafts and promotes good hair texture. When you apply hair masks twice a week it has tremendous effects on your hair and will definitely reduce the hair fall. All you would need for this hair mask is amla (Indian gooseberry) and yogurt. Before we tell you how to make this mask lets find out how amla and yogurt enhance your hair texture.
Hair benefits of amla:
Amla is called the super food of hair. It has a high source of Vitamin C, antioxidants, antimicrobial properties which promote hair growth and keeps your scalp clean.
1. Due to the antioxidants, amla prevents premature graying, so if you see white strands, start using amla oil or use this pack and get back your jet black hair.
2. According to experts due to the Vitamin C deficiency, we are prone to severe hair fall and as amla is the rich source of Vitamin C it can definitely reduce hair fall and revitalize your hair growth.
3. When you massage your hair with amla oil it will stimulate blood circulation and open your scalp pores, remove the flakiness that causes dandruff and nourishes your hair completely.
4. Amla even has the magical properties of strengthening the hair roots which boosts hair growth and reduces the hair fall.
Hair benefits of yogurt:
Along with hair growth, it is important that the hair doesn't lose its shine, doesn't look dull and dry. And that is why we involve yogurt in this pack which is another superfood for hair.
1. It is rich in Vitamin B5, proteins that stimulate hair growth and the lactic acid present in yogurt cleanses the scalp, removes dead skin cells and prevents dandruff.
2. It acts as a deep conditioner that gives a natural shine to your hair and the nutrients in yogurt will impart lustrous and healthy locks.
3. If you suffer from any kind of scalp itchiness, you can use yogurt as it has antibacterial properties which will kill bacteria and keep your scalp clean.
DIY Hair Mask:
What do you need:
½ cup hung curd
2 Amla
1 teaspoon fenugreek powder
1 teaspoon curry leave paste
Amla and Yogurt Hair Mask:
Hair masks have a powerful effect on your hair, it penetrates deep into the hair shafts and promotes good hair texture. When you apply hair masks twice a week it has tremendous effects on your hair and will definitely reduce the hair fall. All you would need for this hair mask is amla (Indian gooseberry) and yogurt. Before we tell you how to make this mask lets find out how amla and yogurt enhance your hair texture.
Hair benefits of amla:
Amla is called the super food of hair. It has a high source of Vitamin C, antioxidants, antimicrobial properties which promote hair growth and keeps your scalp clean.
1. Due to the antioxidants, amla prevents premature graying, so if you see white strands, start using amla oil or use this pack and get back your jet black hair.
2. According to experts due to the Vitamin C deficiency, we are prone to severe hair fall and as amla is the rich source of Vitamin C it can definitely reduce hair fall and revitalize your hair growth.
3. When you massage your hair with amla oil it will stimulate blood circulation and open your scalp pores, remove the flakiness that causes dandruff and nourishes your hair completely.
4. Amla even has the magical properties of strengthening the hair roots which boosts hair growth and reduces the hair fall.
Hair benefits of yogurt:
Along with hair growth, it is important that the hair doesn't lose its shine, doesn't look dull and dry. And that is why we involve yogurt in this pack which is another superfood for hair.
1. It is rich in Vitamin B5, proteins that stimulate hair growth and the lactic acid present in yogurt cleanses the scalp, removes dead skin cells and prevents dandruff.
2. It acts as a deep conditioner that gives a natural shine to your hair and the nutrients in yogurt will impart lustrous and healthy locks.
3. If you suffer from any kind of scalp itchiness, you can use yogurt as it has antibacterial properties which will kill bacteria and keep your scalp clean.
DIY Hair Mask:
What do you need:
½ cup hung curd
2 Amla
1 teaspoon fenugreek powder
1 teaspoon curry leave paste
Hair mask:
In a blender make a paste of above-mentioned ingredients. Make sure that the consistency of the paste is thick. With a help of clean, old makeup brush or even cotton ball slather, it on your hair shafts to the tip of your hair strands. Make sure the mask completely covers your hair. Leave this mask till it dries (30 minutes) and rinse with cold water, apply mild shampoo and conditioner and let your hair dry. If you want, you can even skip the shampoo as both the ingredients will naturally cleanse your hair. Fenugreek and curry leaves enhance the hair growth, so if you are short of any one ingredient you can still go ahead with the other 3 ingredients. Apply this weekly and you would definitely see tremendous changes in your hair.
Wasn't this an easy hair mask? If you have used this mask let us know how effective was it on your hair.