Hey, girls, which is your favorite fruit? Fruits bring such a happy vibe, maybe it's the vibrant colors of fruits or the juicy, yummy taste which just makes us nibble on them. But today we aren't telling you to snack on them, instead, we want you to apply on your face. Don't find it gross, because fruit face packs have stunning results. We can't tell you how each fruit is a powerhouse of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants which are essentials for your skin. We have tried a few of these face packs and they have literally worked on the skin problems. So we wanted you pretty girls to try them too. Take a look at our 5 magical face packs and elevate your complexion.
1. Watermelon face pack as a face cleanser:
Summers and watermelon go hand in hand. This weight loss fruit helps in cleansing your face and gives you a smooth and satin texture. also, the pink fruit is rich in lycopene, vitamin A, B6, C that will repair your skin, fight wrinkles, spots and make your skin youthful and plump. Make a face mask of mashed watermelon, rosewater, and honey and smear it all over the face and neck. Let it stay for 15 minutes and wash. Girls if you want to lighten your skin, then apply this weekly, twice.
2. Pomegranate face pack for wrinkle treatment:
Have you tried pomegranate lip stain? Now try the pomegranate face pack, it has high levels of antioxidant that repairs the damage skin cells and prevents wrinkles, fine lines. Blend pomegranate seeds in a blender and adds 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder. Apply on your face and neck and chill for 20 minutes and then wash with cool water.
Tip: this pack is perfect for all skin types
3. Apple face pack for exfoliation:
This pack is a perfect scrub for your face, it will remove the dead skin cells, smoothes your face and bring a natural glow. You would need to make a paste of 1 apple, 1 tablespoon oatmeal, 2 teaspoon milk. Make sure the pack has a creamy texture. Smear it all over your face and neck, and you know the drill.
4. Mango face pack for even tone skin:
If you have spots, pigmentation then mango is the right fruit. It is the storehouse of Vitamin C that will nourish your skin deep, unclogs the pores, fades the spots and reduces the uneven skin tone. Add yogurt to mashed mango which will help in the renewal of skin cells and this pack will give you a dewy, radiant skin.
5. Grapes face pack for acne prone skin:
Girls grapes are meant for your skin, it has alpha hydroxy acids that will brighten your skin, reduce acne, breakouts and even remove the dull skin complexion. If you have dry skin, then you can just use mashed grapes and honey on your skin, but if you have oily skin, then whip grapes and strawberries together that will absorb the oil and combat acne issues. Apply this weekly twice for effective results.
6. Papaya face pack for nourishing skin:
Brides to be, if you want radiant and blemish free skin, then slather papaya on your face it will work effectively. Papaya is a powerhouse of enzymes, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties that will nurture your skin in depth. Mash and apply the pulp of papaya on your face will give a natural glow, remove tan and promote a blemish free complexion. We recommend you to apply this mask weekly, twice for effective results.
7. Orange peel face pack for oil free skin:
Remove excessive sebum from your face with orange peels. It unclogs the pores, removes blackheads and gives an instant glow. The nutrients, Vitamin C help in working towards reducing secretion of oil, you can sun dry the orange peels for 2 days and then crush them in a blender and mix rose water to the crushed orange peels. Smear it on your face and neck for 20 minutes and once it dries wash it with water.
So pick your favorite fruit and start using it over your skin for stunning results.

Yummy indeed!