Beauty focused girls if you love homemade recipes that work on improving your skin texture, then try washing your face with raw honey for a week and we bet you will thank us :) Honey is an ancient beauty ingredient that is used in every face masks, packs, and even face toners. It is brimming with vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids that can just enhance your complexion and benefit your skin in plenty ways. This is a one week challenge, wash your face with honey and notice the terrific changes. Also, it would be best if you get your hands on raw honey, which will show instant results.
1. Dewy skin texture:
Forget to invest on branded face washes, wash your face with honey and notice a clean, soft and supple complexion. Honey has high moisturizing properties that will lock the moisture content in your face and make is super smooth a perfect remedy for dry skin lovelies.
Tip: wash your face twice with honey and get the best from honey.
2. Controls sebum:
Raw and pure honey balances the oil levels and your face and prevents the excess sebum on your face. So oily skin, combination, and even sensitive skin ladies wash your face daily with honey and reduce the oil levels on your face.
3. Reduces breakouts:
Yes, honey can actually reduce and prevent breakouts, acne. It has antibacterial properties that ward bacteria away and makes your skin acne free. You might experience a breakout initially, but when you use honey regularly, it will combat breakouts and make your skin gorgeous.
4. Heals scars and spots:
We know how much you hate those age spots, scars on your face and that is why we strongly recommend honey face wash that will repair the damaged tissue and fade the scars over a period of time. It won't happen overnight, but yes gradually you will notice the scars vanish.
Tip: for best results let the honey rest on your face for 10 minutes.
5. Blackhead remover:
Wash your face with organic honey and remove the pesky blackheads. The enzymes in honey work in expelling the dirt present under your skin layer and keeps your pores clean. If you want, you can mix honey with lemon juice and wash your face, else even the honey face wash will work perfectly.
Raw honey will do wonders to your skin, and the best thing about honey is that it is safe and gentle for all skin types. So start washing your face right away and get the gorgeous, flawless skin worth drooling.