The title might seem a superficial thing for you. But if you strictly follow this 7-day challenge, then we bet you would see a considerable change in your skin. But before starting the challenge it is equally important that you have a proper fat free diet. Avoid refined carbs, dairy products, saturated fats that can make the sebaceous glands overactive and cause acne. Along with a healthy diet that involves green veggies and loads of fruits you should even drink tons of water that will prevent acne. The important thing about this 7-day treatment is that you should try this only for 7 days, after 7 days you can skip certain steps as it can be too much for your skin to handle. Let's get started with the 7-day treatment.
Morning Routine:
Start your morning routine with these steps:
1. Wash your face with raw honey, make sure it is 100% pure and organic.
2. Use a facial toner, make a concoction of apple cider vinegar (organic), tea tree oil drops, lemon essential oil (optional) and green tea. Brew the green tea and, tea tree oil and lemon essential oil and once it cools add the apple cider vinegar. Store it in the fridge and use it daily.
3. Be it any skin type involve in a good moisturiser. As your skin is acne prone use aloe vera gel (preferably the original plant) as a moisturiser.
Evening Routine:
The evening routine will vary for the 7 days, so check out below for the daily evening routine.
Night Routine:
Make a paste of clay or fuller's earth, few drops of tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar and apply it on the breakouts, spots, scars on your face and leave it overnight.
Day 1:
Start with morning routine (honey wash, toner, scrub, moisturiser)
Evening Routine:
1. DIY face scrub. For this scrub, you will need ground almonds, oats, and fuller earth. Take equal amount of the ingredients and smear your face with this scrub and after 5 minutes, gently scrub in a circular motion and wash your face with cool water.
2. Apply facial toner, the one which you have used for the morning routine)
3. Pack your face with a few drops of jojoba oil, it is light weight oil and will balance the oil levels on your face and prevent acne.
Night routine:
Complete your skincare regime with the night care routine.
Day 2:
Start with morning routine (honey wash, toner, scrub, moisturiser)
Evening Routine:
1. Apply the face scrub that you had used for Day 1.
2. Involve in a healthy face mask of yogurt and clay or Multani mitti. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash your face with cool water.
3. Apply facial toner, the one which you have used for the morning routine)
4. Pack your face with a few drops of jojoba oil, it is light weight oil and will balance the oil levels on your face and prevent acne.
Night routine:
Complete your skincare regime with the night care routine.
Day 3:
Start with morning routine (honey wash, toner, scrub, moisturiser)
Evening Routine:
1. Indulge in a DIY facial steam for 15 minutes. The facial steam requires 2 drops tea tree oil, basil leaves (tulsi), rosemary oil, green tea bag.
2. Smear your face with baking soda and leave it for 20 minutes. Pat your face with water and scrub gently. Baking soda will exfoliate your skin.
3. Apply facial toner, the one which you have used for the morning routine)
4. Pack your face with a few drops of jojoba oil, it is light weight oil and will balance the oil levels on your face and prevent acne.
Night routine:
Complete your skincare regime with the night care routine. If you don't notice acne, spots then you can skin this routine.
Day 4:
Follow the Day 1 routine.
Day 5:
Start with morning routine (honey wash, toner, scrub, moisturiser)
Evening Routine:
1. Make a face mask with strawberry and honey. Strawberry is rich in Vitamin C, salicylic acid, which will prevent acne and keep sebum under control. You can even opt for fruits such as banana, grape, apple.
2. Apply facial toner, the one which you have used for the morning routine)
3. Pack your face with a few drops of jojoba oil.
Night routine:
Complete your skincare regime with the night care routine. If you don't notice acne, spots then you can skin this routine.
Day 6:
Stick to Day 1 routine.
Day 7:
Start with morning routine (honey wash, toner, scrub, moisturiser)
Evening Routine:
1. Indulge in a DIY facial steam for 15 minutes. The facial steam requires 2 drops tea tree oil, basil leaves (tulsi), rosemary oil, green tea bag.
2. Apply a salt and honey face mask for 20 minutes. You will require 1 teaspoon of honey and ½ teaspoon of honey, mix the ingredients and slather it on your face.
3. Apply facial toner, the one which you have used for the morning routine)
4. Pack your face with a few drops of jojoba oil.
Night routine:
Complete your skincare regime with the night care routine. If you don't notice acne, spots then you can skin this routine.
Voila on the Day 8 will notice a considerable change. We know the list is extensive, but you have to pamper your skin if you want good results. After the 7 days challenge, you can continue the morning routine and involve in facial masks, pack. For daily basis, you could skip the evening toner, scrubs, night routine. But if you notice acne then repeat this weekly challenge after a fortnight or so. Hope this routine works for you, let us know if you have tried the 7-day acne treatment.