We all have heard the stunning results of fenugreek seeds on your hair, but did you know fenugreek seeds could regulate diabetes, help in fighting signs of aging, assist in weight loss? Well, fenugreek seeds are power packed with compounds that benefit your skin, hair, and wellness. It is a rich source of iron, Vitamin A, C, folic acid, riboflavin, zinc, potassium, saponins, that work in promoting your skin texture, hair growth, and health. Let's find out the goodness of fenugreek seeds (methi) and how you can use it as a beauty and health tool.
1. Fights aging:
Many of us silently desire to stay youthful forever. If you want so, then use fenugreek seeds daily in your skincare regime, it is a good source of vitamin B3 that will repair damaged cell, regenerate new cells and even fight free radicals that damage the skin. Apply fenugreek paste every morning and voila, you would get a youthful complexion.
2. Fades acne scars:
Fenugreek seeds have anti-inflammatory properties, antibacterial properties that will prevent breakouts as well as fade the acne scars. Store a paste of fenugreek seeds and apply it daily on your pimple bumps, scars, marks and within a month you would notice positive results.
3. Skin lightening:
Fenugreek seeds have properties of lightening your skin. It is rich in Vitamin C which will give a radiant glow in your face. You can make a face mask of fenugreek seed paste, gram flour, and honey. Smear it on your face and rinse it after 20 minutes. This will give you an instant glow. You can use this pack twice a week.
1. Prevents dandruff:
Fenugreek seeds will keep your scalp clean and reduce the itchiness. It will keep dandruff at bay, all you would need is overnight soaked fenugreek seeds (make a coarse paste), lemon juice and yogurt. Cover your hair, scalp with this paste for 30 minutes and then wash with cold water followed by shampoo and conditioner. Do this weekly once and bid goodbye to dandruff.
2. Combats hair fall:
You can prevent hair fall with fenugreek seeds, it has saponins, proteins that work on hair growth. You can use fenugreek seeds (overnight soaked) powder and coconut oil or olive oil and massage your scalp. Leave it for 20 minutes and proceed with your hair wash routine.
3. Reduces premature greying:
Fenugreek seeds are rich in amino acids, lecithin which will prevent and stop grey hair. You can infuse coconut oil/ castor oil with fenugreek powder and aloe vera gel and massage your scalp with this oil. Leave it overnight and wash the next day. You can apply this twice a week for effective results.
1. Reduces cholesterol:
Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of flavonoids which have an impact on your cholesterol levels and keep your heart healthy. It will raise the good cholesterol and reduce the bad cholesterol reducing the chances of clots or blockage. Eat fenugreek seeds powder on an empty stomach and bring a good impact to your health.
2. Controls diabetes:
The amino acids in fenugreek seeds stimulate insulin levels that will control the blood sugar level and prevent diabetes. Involve methi seeds in your diet or eat fenugreek powder and improve your sugar levels.
3. Promotes weight loss:
Fenugreek seeds are a good source of soluble fibre, improves metabolism that will suppress your appetite and promote weight loss. You can add fenugreek seeds to your meals, and even drink overnight soaked fenugreek seeds water that will promote weight loss.
4. Improves digestion:
Fenugreek seeds help in improving the irregular bowel movement prevents constipation and heart burns. It has antioxidants that will flush out the toxins from the body. Daily morning drink fenugreek tea that will work on improving your digestive system.
5. Reduces menstrual cramps:
Menstrual cramps can be really painful, and a natural way to reduce the pain and discomfort is fenugreek seeds. It has chemical compounds isoflavones, diosgenin that aid in muscle relaxation and reduce menstrual cramps. Drink fenugreek tea during your periods and ease the pain.
6. Must have for lactating mothers:
It is found that the diosgenin in fenugreek seeds increase the breast milk and thus every nursing mother is asked to drink fenugreek tea which will even boost the health of the infant.
7. Helps prevent colon cancer:
As fenugreek seeds are a good source of antioxidants, fibre content it will flush the toxins from the system and inhibit the growth of cancer cells that can affect the mucous membrane of the colon.
Have you started involving fenugreek seeds in your diet? Do let us know how do you use fenugreek seeds for your beauty and wellness.