Guava is a superfruit that is chock full of vitamins, minerals that enhance your health. But today we aren't talking about how amazing or yummy guava fruit is, instead we are sharing a quick recipe to prevent hair loss and boost your hair health. Guava leaves are crammed with Vitamin B, C, antioxidants, flavonoids, lycopene, dietary fibre that controls blood glucose levels, bad cholesterol, protects gums, weight loss, heal wounds, acne, scars and promote healthy hair. We have shared two easy guava leaves recipe on how you can prevent hair fall. Take a look and start using it right away.
Hair recipe 1:
This is an easy recipe for which you would need guava leaves, water. Wash guava leaves and add them to boiling water. Let the concoction boil for 15-20 minutes. Then once it cools down, store in a bottle and rinses your hair regularly with this mixture. You can even massage your scalp with this mixture, wear a shower cap and leave it overnight. Wash your hair the next day and notice good results in a few months. As guava leaves are super charged with Vitamin B- main food for your hair, it will strengthen the hair follicles, stimulate blood circulation, repair damaged hair and produce healthy hair. When you use guava leaves there is a complete guarantee of hair growth.
Hair recipe 2:
If you are unable to find guava leaves, then you can switch to guava tea bags. You can easily get them online or at any herbal store. To the boiling water, add 2 guava tea bags to the water and let it cool. Then store it in a spritz bottle and spray the concoction on your hair, let it rest overnight and then wash your hair with mild shampoo. Do this regularly, say thrice a week and you will definitely notice a considerable change in your hair growth.
Eat a healthy diet and protect your hair from sun and pollution. Let us know if you found a change in your hair game.