We know you are super busy in planning and finalizing your big fat wedding. You want everything pitch perfect and so why not beauty routine. #Wedstreetstyle team brings you 5 super amazing beauty hacks that you should note down in your list, to be the flawless bride.
#1 Make your perfume last longer
With so much makeup and heavy dress you tend to sweat and you can't put use perfume every hour. So, the best tip to make your perfume last longer is take help of Vaseline. Yes, apply it on your wrist and neck, before using perfume. Tadaa never ending fragrance.
#2 Let your makeup lasts the whole night
Flawless makeup is what we all dream off all through the wedding night. So, to make your makeup last, just close your eyes and spray some hairspray on your makeup from distance. Your makeup will last the whole night.
#3 Show off your sleeveless
Ok, most of us avoid going sleeveless on our big day because of dark underarms, Well, don't give up so soon, till you try this. Take coconut oil and baking soda and apply it on your armpits, scrub it for 10 minutes and wash it off. Don't forget to dry it. It will lighten your underarms naturally. Yay
#4 Fresh eyes, Hello!
All the running around and stress can leave you with puffy red eyes.To fight it, we have the super amazing trick, take a clean spoon put it in freezer and take them out and place it gently on your eyes. This is the easiest way to feel fresh.
#5 Dry Shampoos
Dry Shampoos can be your new best friend, as they instantly fights dirt and oily scalp. And all the running around can make your hair sweat, result oily hair. So, spray some dry shampoo before you sleep.