Sonam Kapoor who is also known as fashionista of Bollywood will be seen next in Veere di Wedding with Kareena Kapoor. In a candid chat with Film Campanion she opened up on sexim in Bollywood Industry and many more. She said,"After Raanjhana, all of my movies have been a hit. Still as a woman in the industry, I don't get my price. I still am having difficulties getting projects off the floor. The budgets that I need to shoot them properly. Rhea was like, 'What does my sister have to do? How much money do her films have to make? How many hits does she need to give for you guys to think that she needs more than 15 crores to make a film'?"
"It's heartbreaking and somebody very wise said that, 'Unfortunately, you guys are the change but you are not going to benefit from it. The generation after you are going to benefit from it.' I am okay with it as long as I get to make my films. I am not here to make money though it would be nice. But I would like my projects to get the money. I am not asking for it."
"For example John Abraham and Varun Dhawan, the kind of money they got to make Dishoom is way more than what Kareena and I were getting to make Veere Di Wedding. I hate to say it but I do think Kareena and I have a wider audience or we could open a film maybe as big as them. We could do as well as them. Just because they are a commercial film. I find it disgusting. We are making Veere..and we are getting a OK budget but we are not getting what we want. I have to cut my fee, Bebo has to cut her fee to get this film there. The film is not elaborate as we imagined. It is sad and heartbreaking. We need to work extra hard to make it look a certain way. There is a lot of sexism in the society which is disgusting."
What do you guys think?