Few days back there were rumors doing the rounds that Amrita is not happy with Sara and Kareena's bonding. Sara Ali Khan was also spotted at Kareena's birthday in her hot avtaar. In an interview Deccan Chronicle Amrita Singh put all the rumors on rest and said,"I have a problem with the way my daughter dresses? And I resent Sara’s rapport with Kareena? Absolutely untrue! I don’t have any problem with Sara and Kareena’s equation at all."
She also added,"I totally approved of Sara’s attire for Kareena’s party,” and added, “I’m being hauled over the coals for disapproving of Sara’s outfit for the party. Let me tell you, I was the one who put together the entire wardrobe for my daughter that evening. I also dressed up both my kids, Sara and Ibrahim, for Saif’s wedding with Kareena."
We believe you Amrita!