As a bride, we all want to pack our entire house in one bag from our mom to our favourite doll we loved at the age of six. Since that's not happening anytime soon, we had picked out few things that you must carry in your wedding trousseau. That reminds you of your home in a new world. Read on and pack it all!
#1 One heirloom article!
Pack something that you love in your home, it can be a jewellery box from your mom which you had seen long or an artwork to display in your new home or a painting that holds a special place in your heart. You can display it in your new home or keep it as a keepsake.
#2 One borrowed thing from your mom!
Yes! We are sure you might love your mom's statement earring or maybe the handloom saree, it's time for you to borrow it. After all our mom has the most classic pieces of all time. You can revamp or re-use the jewellery and the saree in your own way or wear it as it is.
#3 One childhood item you had treasured for long!
It can be your favourite book you love since you were 10 or the poster that reminds you of the days bygone. Don't think again and just pack it in your bag.
#4 Something that makes you comfortable!
It can be your favourite pillow without which you don't sleep or the coffee mug that reminds you of peace. It can be anything that makes you comfortable and gives you the feeling of home, just carry it in your trousseau.
#5 A plant!
Plants are considered to be a great gift. So, do carry one from your home, water it daily and let it grow. Every time you will look at it you will be reminded of your home.
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