Bollywood stars Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone were spotted at the Mumbai International airport last night as they were leaving for Dubai. As per reports, Deepika has gone to Dubai for an event while Ranveer is there for Befikre promotions. Ranveer was seen in his usual energetic mood as he was heading to the airport with Deepika Padukone but his Befikre co-star Vaani Kapoor was no where in sight.
Recently, the two were spotted walking hand in hand at Ambani bash. Off late, reports were doing rounds that Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have parted their ways but their appearance at Ambani bash put the lid to the rumours. Ranveer Singh tried avoiding answers to queries about his relationship on show Koffee with Karan. Ranveer is an actor who never keeps his feelings hidden and loves expressing his love for Deepika, so it was quite surprising to see him quite on the same.
Check out their pics:
Nevertheless, the lovebirds have taken some time out for themselves amidst their busy schedules. We are glad all is well in their lover's paradise.