It seems like baby shopping is in full wing! Just day before, Kareena Kapoor Khan was spotted shopping for her baby’s nursery at the AA stores. And now it seems like papa Saif Ali Khan is not far behind. It seems like Saif has been busy shopping for the baby in Delhi these days. According to a report in DNA, the Nawab is prepping for the nursery with the help of a Delhi-based children’s boutique store’s owner.
Wow! We are already loving the baby shopping!
While the mother to be is glowing with happiness, the father to be is already prepping to pamper his child. According to sources who reported to DNA, “It being Bebo’s eighth month, she cannot fly to Delhi, so Saif doesn’t want her to miss out and sends her pictures of their available options. In fact, the Delhi store the royal jodi picked, keeps abreast of baby fashion in New York and Paris. Saif has bought what is considered the Rolls Royce of prams — a Peg Perego stroller with matching accessories. The price tag? A fit-for-a-prince rate of Rs 30,000.”
Apparently, they have hired an international designer to design the nursery for their first child together. Reportedly, they are adding the final touches to the prime nursery.