It was Bollywood beauty actress Yami Gautam's 28th birthday yesterday and a lot of wishes have been pouring in fro the actress all over social media. Yami has been trying really hard to climb the ladder of success but unfortunately luck hasn't been on her side. Her upcoming movie Kaabil with Actor Hrithik Roshan looks quite promising.
Hrithik took to twitter and posted a sweet message for the birthday girl , "Happy birthday @yamigautam shine bright today and forever:) may d wonder in ur eyes never diminish. N in d next let's play superheroes! Love"
Happy birthday @yamigautam shine bright today and forever:) may d wonder in ur eyes never diminish. N in d next let's play superheroes! Love— Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) November 28, 2016
Duggu mentioned in his tweet about playing Superheroes, whcih mean with Krrish 4 in the making, Yami has been finalised as his leading lady!
Even Yami replied to Duggu's birthday wish by tweeting, "This has to be the most WONDERful birthday wish !!!! Thank u so much Hrithik :)) And yes let's bring it on !!!"
This has to be the most WONDERful birthday wish !!!! Thank u so much Hrithik :)) And yes let's bring it on !!!— Yami Gautam (@yamigautam) November 28, 2016
Wow we are excited!!! What about you guys???