We all are tired of seeing the same old decor at almost all the weddings. It's like copy and paste with no personalization and no space for innovation. It's your wedding, one of the most happiest days of your life, you need to make it a special and not just with your looks, but with the decor as well. We came across 10 beautiful wedding entrance decor ideas straight from Instagram.
Get Inspired!
#1 Welcome to the Paradise!
This wedding decor is inspired from the vintage door, It's a perfect pick for a day wedding let your guests witness the greatest lovestory ever told!
#2 The Rustic Pathway Decor!
If you are the one who always believed in magic and your story is nothing less than a magical dream. Then choose this steal worthy decor idea.
If you are the one who always believed in magic and your story is nothing less than a magical dream. Then choose this steal worthy decor idea.
#3 The Floral Arch!
Step into the world of flowers and fulfill your dream of becoming a flower princess. This decor won't only amaze your guests but will also make you remember this day.
#4 The Bells!
If you want a religious touch to your wedding, then this bell theme is just right for you. It's perfect way to start a new life and add some elegance to the big fat Indian wedding.
#5 Fairytale Gateway!
Ahh! Another one with the perfect fairy tale touch, your guests will love the colour combination and the signboard will surely catch their eyes.
#6 The Pink Tassels!
This is the perfect decor idea for your engagement day. While the guests walk down the pink tassels and lantern will greet them along the way.
#7 Stairway to heaven!
Here is another pretty entrance idea, if the location has a staircase, just decorate it this way and get ready for the compliments.
#8 The Flower Tunnel!
Ditch the marigold flowers in your wedding and opt for the mogra ones, not just for the decoration but make a whole tunnel out of it.
#9 The Simple and the sweet
If you are having a day wedding and you want something and classy at the same time. Get inspired from this simple marigold flower arch entrance.
If you are having a day wedding and you want something and classy at the same time. Get inspired from this simple marigold flower arch entrance.
#10 The red carnations!
How about adding the traditional flowers in your wedding, the red carnation entrance is just magnificent.
Have an amazing wedding decor idea? Let us know in the comments below!