Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have been enjoying each other's company and attending social events together. Earlier they were in Goa to be a part of Yuvraj and Hazel's wedding festivities. They came together and danced to their heart’s content. One look at them and you know that they are pretty serious about each other. There are even rumours of them taking their relationship to the next level. After making a starry appearance at Yuvraj-Hazel’s intimate Goa wedding they came back to Mumbai hand-in-hand and all smiles. And were spotted yesterday evening at Ace designer Manish Malhotra's birthday bash.
Check out the handsome couple looking stunning in their complimenting black outfits. The birthday bash was hosted by Karan Johar and was attended buy well known names of Bollywood.
They look adorable and so much in love together!