Divyanka and Vivek make for an adorable couple. The duo tied the knot in July 2016 in Bhopal which was followed by grand reception in Mumbai. Recently, they took some time from their busy schedule and had been to Europe for their honeymoon. In a recent interview to Times Of India, Vivek opened up on his struggling days as a student in UK. He said,"I took up many odd jobs during my college days."
He further added,"The first was as a bartender when I was 18. On my first day at work, I found out that I had to pick up broken bottles and glasses and also mop the floor. I was later promoted to the bar where I learnt how to make drinks."
"After that, I joined a retail store and then a call centre. However, around 60-70 of us were laid off after recession struck. I was left with no choice but to take up whatever came my way and became a pizza delivery boy. By the end of the day, my car used to smell of pizzas. I could never get rid of the smell and eventually, had to sell the car at a discounted rate!"
"During my honeymoon, I went back to the pizza parlour where I used to work. One of my former colleagues, the only one who was still working there, asked me, 'Aren't you the guy who used to deliver pizzas in the luxury car?' I was glad to be part of a society where people don't look down on you because of your job. I don't believe that any job is big or small."
Divyanka is super proud on her husband.