Karisma Kapoor and Sanjay Kapur ended their 13-year-old marriage. The couple has two kids, Samaira and Kiaan. Karisma is already moved on and found love once again in businessman Sandeep Toshniwal. Sanjay has also moved on with his girlfriend Priya Sachdev. According to the TOI, the couple is all set to tie the knot in New York. The ceremony is expected to take place in the month of April. The event will be attended by only close family members and a few friends.
The daily also quoted saying,"Both Sunjay and his family do not want to talk about the wedding. The divorce battle wasn’t easy for them. It will be just a civil ceremony in New York and only close friends who have known Sunjay and the family for years are aware of this."
This will be Sanjay's third marriage and Priya's second marriage. We Congratulate the couple!!