Beauty feature written by Aakriti Bhargava Kulkarni
Pulses or daals found in our kitchen have amazing benefits for our skin. One of them is Red Lentil or laal masoor dal.The Red Lentil can really help us have a beautiful clean and clear skin that we all wish for.
It can be mixed to make many different face packs and scrubs that can do wonders to our skin.
#1. Grind the red lentils and a make paste of it with water ,good thing would be to apply this pack on a clean face for about 15 minutes and wash off, If regularly followed this pack can help reduce acne,pimples,blemishes.
#2. Red lentil powder can be used as a daily face wash; Just make a paste of the powder with some turmeric, honey and coconut oil. You’ll feel so refreshed after using this and get a perfectly clean bright face.
#3. Red lentils are used as great homemade scrubs, all you got to do is mix the powder with some honey and you could even add some coffee in it, scrub for about good 2-3 minutes and then wash off. It’ll make the skin so soft and free of any dead skin and blackheads This could be done twice a week.
#4. This can be used for removing facial hair as well by making a paste of the red lentil powder, sandalwood and orange peel powder, apply the paste for about 15 minutes and then wash it off.
#5. If you feel your skin is looking dull ,Just mix the red lentil powder with some milk and almond oil with a pinch of lemon juice, this would instantly brighten up your face, the face pack can be used thrice a week.
Hope you all enjoyed the post, Do try these face packs .A patch test is definitely recommended.

Thankyou ambika ! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this informative health tips.