Relationship Article Written By Aakriti Bhargava Kulkarni
The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing or using some other medium are what we all understand communication as.”COMMUNICATION MUST BE “HOT”, THAT IS HONEST, OPEN AND TWO- WAY”.I think communication keeps us healthy, happy and is the key to personal and professional success.
Nowadays, it is the biggest issue especially in relationships and marriage? It can make a marriage or a relationship happy or sad. Lack of communication has definitely become a huge issue and reason for break ups and even divorces.
I extremely agree with the fact that “we all listen to reply and not understand “and my friends that where it all goes wrong. Whenever you chose not to share a problem in your relationship with your partner, that’s when you contribute more towards the problem.
An honest and open form of communication should be the most important part of your relationship.
For a healthier and effective communication in your relationship, these few points can be followed that I personally feel will help strengthen the bond you share with your partner and help you overcome the ‘LACK OF COMMUNICATION PROBLEM’.
Always try and talk about important problems and issues in person, that is Face to Face, Try and avoid talking about the issues on texts ,Texts are not a very reliable way of communicating one’s feelings and can be often misinterpreted leading to fights and arguments.
It’s always better to find a good or a right time to discuss things that might bother you in your relationship or in general. A good time would be when both of you are calm, off work, relaxed .This would help you to have a better conversation ,help you to put your point across effectively and your better half to Listen well.
Agree to listen; everyone must know that effective listening is a very important factor of a good communication between a couple. If you do not listen properly to the other person’s issue, you will not be able to comprehend the situation, hence leading to a big fight or argument. And well THE BLAME GAME.
Be careful about the choice of words you use while communicating with your partner, your words can make a huge difference .Do not sound harsh and portray as though you are verbally attacking your partner. Shouting and abusing has never helped anyone have a good relationship.
Always follow the “honesty is the best policy “rule, you will see such a stark difference in your relationship if you are always honest with your partner. Be honest and automatically you’ll have a healthier communication, Also if you are a good listener, you’re partner will automatically feel free to have an honest and open conversation.
LISTEN, THINK, and TALK, these components are very important to have an effective communication between a couple .Don ’t get carried away or be impulsive in between a fight, we all know how much it can ruin the situation. Talk properly, do not disrespect your partner, and lastly listen well.
Always remember that no issue is big or small, you should never make your partner feel that the problem they want to discuss is a “small problem”, what might be small for you maybe that is something which really matters to your better half.
Communication in a relationship is like oxygen, without it, it dies. A relationship cannot prosper without healthy communication, and a genuine effort to have a good conversation, will make the relationship bloom.