Water is a very important source of our living . Water benefits us in too many ways and am sure we all know it. Rice water is an amazing beauty hack that benefits the skin in many ways and helps a lot with many skin issues .
- Rice water basically brightens the complexion and tightens the pores , it has a lot of protein which is super good for our skin .
- Rice water can be used to for all skin types and helps reducing hyperpigmentation, sunspots, dullness , dark under eyes .
- Rice Water toner helps in making the skin soft and smooth .
- Take an airtight container, 4 spoons of raw rice and water. Pour enough water for rice to soak completely. Soak it for good 15 minutes ,
- After 15 minutes the rice will start to look milky white , The toner is now ready for use .
- Filter the water and store it in an airtight container .