There's definitely no better way than a home made a remedy to get rid of blackheads.Blackheads can make the face look very uneven and not smooth and someone of us have a really bad issue of black heads so heres a very amazing DIY that you must try to get rid of the problem.It's personally helped me a lot to overcome this issue .
- For this home remedy, you will need honey,lemon juice and baking soda.
- Take about 1/2 tablespoon of honey,2 teaspoons of leamon juice and 2 table spoons of baking soda
- Now mix these ingredients well until a good paste is formed
- Rinse your face thoroughly before applying the paste .
- Now use this paste as a scrub and gently scrub your face for good 3-4 minutes and wash off with cold water .
- Definitely, follow it up with a toner and a moisturizer.