Haven't we all heard of the CTM method to follow for our skin care regime ? CTM is Cleansing,Toning ,Moisturizing . A lot of big stars,actresses, models, beauty influencers totally swear by this routine. Am sure a lot of you won't be following this regime each day , sometimes even I skip it even though I know how important it is for my skin to look healthy and fresh.You must follow CTM method twice a day,that is Morning and the Night Time.
- Always start your day with cleansing.Choose a good Face wash that will suit your skin type and nicely wash your face,to free it from any excess oil, dirt etc.A good cleanser is a must and makes a lot of difference to your skin.Please donot use soaps on skin ,as they are very harsh and will make your skin bad .
- When it comes to Toning, a lot of us totally skip this step, thinking it's not important. Toning is a highly important step and a must do for your skin care regime.Toning helps to maintain the basic pH value required for our skin and also helps to close the open pores, that can, later on, accumulate dirt and dust and in turn, cause acne and pimples.Using a toner will also help you get rid of the dead skin that makes the skin look good.Never ever skip this step.
- No matter what skin type you have ,You absolutely need to moisturize your face.A lot of people have a misconception that oily skin beauties don't need to apply a moisturizer.But that's certainly wrong.Chose an oil free moisturizer because if you do not apply a moisturizer your skin will produce more oils, which will cause more skin troubles. The skin needs hydration for that glow , that a moisturizer will provide. Just pick a right moisturizer for your skin type and you will be sorted.